

‘Nothing happens in this world expect
 as allowed by the laws of physics.’
The oceans are no exception.

Andrew A. Lacis, (NYT,17. Feb.2010; DOT EARTH by A. Revkin) Excerpts :

  1. “We have come to understand that nothing happens in this world expect as allowed by the laws of physics. What this means is that for every physical action there is going to be a well-defined cause, and a well-defined effect. Quantum mechanical weirdness that operates at atomic scale does not invalidate this physical description of the macroscopic range that is of interest.”
  2. “The bottom line is that CO2 is absolutely, positively, and without question, the single most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.”
  3. “To understand climate change, it is necessary to know the radiative forcings that drive the climate system away from its reference equilibrium state. These radiative forcings have been analyzed and evaluated by Hansen et al. (2005, 2007). They include changes in solar irradiance, greenhouse gases, tropospheric aerosols, and volcanic aerosols. Of these forcings, the only non-human-induced forcing that produces warming of the surface temperature is the estimated long-term increase by 0.3 W/m2 of solar irradiance since 1750. Volcanic eruptions are episodic, and can produce strong but temporary cooling. All of the other forcings are directly tied to human activity.”

A Readers Comment (No 4; Gene G, New Jersey, February 17th, 2010, 4:29 pm

“Dr. Lacis says CO2 is the single most important greenhouse gas, but carefully does not say gas or vapor in which case it would surely be water vapor by far.”

Our Comment:

Those who do not recognize the difference of the ‘heat content’ and ‘radiative forcing’ between continents and oceans, but confine their view on the atmosphere, will hardly ever make a reasonable contribution to anthropogenic climate change. The oceans drive weather and climate due to their permanent supply of water vapor,  the enormous heat stored, and its low mean temperatures of on four degrees Celsius. Human activities in the marine environment can quickly alter its ‘natural structure’, which can be fishing, shipping, or exploration. Two World Wars could prove it. 

Chapter: 2_14

Book Page: 54b

File: 957_WorldFleet

Image: 2010/

